
Living on this planet for quite a longish while now, spending my time on various variants of using the computer for hobby and business. I grew up with still monochrom monitors where pixels could still be counted with bare eyes. And it was and still is fun to see computers and stuff grow into ones daily life getting more fancy and less spacey from year to year.

My interests made me study computer science and work for the computer industry as well as scientific research, on content and knowledge management, agents, and others. Moreover, I’m running some websites for friends and fun, doing some basic design as well, especially for my related hobby, electronic music, where I also run a weekly podcast.


2 thoughts on “Me

  1. Hello Stefan, just wanted to reach out and thank you for including Cloudcutter in your show. I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and consider my music.
    Best, Dave

    1. You’re most welcome, Dave. Thanks for providing your music.
      Cheers, Stefan

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