Star Trek Memories

Recently, when discussing the current theme of the U.S.S. Discovery, I remembered some very own activities in the Star Trek universe. In the early years of this century, I was active in an online RPG in the very ST universe taking place on the U.S.S. Caradhras (a tiny little pointer to my other hobby that day: The Lord of the Rings). Back then I composed a tiny theme for this “series”, which obviously is in the style of the classic series like Voyager or Deep Space Nine. Just for fun, of course.


We also planned for a follow-up role play on a ship called U.S.S. Rosen, which would enable a brand new drive based on Einstein-Rosen-Bridge technology (Ha!). For this, I did some sketches of a new type of ship with collapsible nacelles. Just found this on my hard drive.

Simon Kernick – The Crime Trade

Well, Tina Boyd, her first case in the series is given with The Crime Trade by Simon Kernick. I was always curious about this series and finally got around to start with number one. And quite right from the beginning I had my suspicion about who was behind the initial incident written in the book. But I was wrong.

The novel is very well written and a pacy and gripping read, no surprise here, this is a Kernick book. In the beginning, a police sting operation goes deadly wrong, one of two cops participating dies and the hunt for the culprit starts. Meanwhile, some other murders keeps the investigators busy, which turn out to be connected somehow. While the main officer seems to be DI John Gallan, the core findings are by his partner DS Tina Boyd.

The view of the story changes several times between the investigators and one subject, the surviving cop of the sting operation: Stegs Jenner. And to be honest, I wonder why the book isn’t subtitled “Stegs Jenner” instead of Tina Boyd, as Jenner and his point of view seems to take the biggest part of the book. The funny thing is that Jenner seems somewhat like Dennis Milne, an ex-cop and the protagonist of another series of Kernick. But things turn out to be quite different in this case.

Overall I loved this story. I am curious about the follow-ups and hope to learn more about Tina Boyd and hope she has a more present role. I’ll see, one day or so.

Marcus Sakey – Afterlife

From Brillance I knew that Marcus Sakey is into fantastic fictions. His new novel Afterlife is not connected to any past series of his, so I took the chance to read a current book rather than going on with Brillance part 2. Well, this new one is a hell of a ride and out of the ordinary story that got my head spinning. In a very far sense it reminded me of Philip José Farmer’s Riverworld (the novel series is far better than any film based on it), which also was a mind-opener to me.

Afterlife starts just like an “ordinary” thriller, with two FBI Agents, Will Brody and Claire McCoy, hunting a ruthless killer shooting innocent people seemingly chosen by chance. The first shock comes, when somewhat early in the story, Will Brody dies in action. A point, where I thought “WTF?”. But, he is not dead, or is he? And that’s exactly where the story itself starts. It’s not so much about catching the killer, but finding out about what comes after death.

This is not a highly philosphical book, no need to worry about theoretical discussions. It’s a very pragmatic view on the world as is and its continuation in the afterlife. Of course, it finally is about catching the bad guy, when it comes to the action part of this novel. But the really interesting part is about how everything seems connected and how people cope with the unexpected situation they find themselves in. Really cool read.

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